Tuesday, December 13, 2016

we have s#$%...

this is what it did here this morning...

our first real stick to the ground and on things snow...

got major things happening here...

and we still have deliveries to do for the toy drive...
12 more kids...

a person here in town did a benefit to raise money for the toy drive...
and kept the funds...
"she earned them"
using our name...
the cops are involved and she will be prosecuted...
but what has come out of the woodwork would make  your skin crawl...
she has ripped off so many organizations here!
but no one had proof before...
and we do...
its going to stop...

now, in Feb...
our niece from Richmond, Va is coming to live with us for good...
her dad is failing...
he is in a hospital there...
will go to rehab and then a nursing home...
IF he works hard and they can get him semi mobile again...
a friend out there will get him on a straight flight through to here...
and we will put him in a nursing home here...
if that doesn't happen, he will stay there...

I want her to spend Christmas and her birthday with her dad...
Jackie has spina bifida...
and has never been on her own...

she will be getting my play room...
after Christmas, we will clean that room out...
sell off the extra stuff we won't have room for and dump the rest...
we need to get a bed in there for her and be ready for when she gets here...
I have most of the plans worked out and the rest we can just wing...
she is not total care and still semi mobile, but not sure just what she is able to do on her own...
I am going to teach her to cook, for sure...
with all of this in mind...
I may not be posting very often until we get all these things done...
will be back here and there, but probably not full time until all the ducks are in a row...

Have a very Merry Christmas and enjoy your time with your family...
its the most wonderful time of the year...


  1. Good luck with all those changes, Tete. That is going to make a huge difference in all of your lives. I hope it goes smoothly-and that there will be some kind of back-up plan if it becomes too hard to have another person living in your home.

    Hope you can nail that thief! xo Diana

  2. Tete, Your heart is made of gold...what a kind person you are....please remember to take care of yourself also. Maybe female company will e a blessing for your niece....and hopefully for you. I am so sorry about the charity scam...that is one reason people don't give like they really would love too...always someone ruining things. Blessings to you dear Tete and your family. You will be in my thoughts and prayers. xoxo, Susie

  3. You are a very generous family to take in your niece. I hope and pray it will go well and be a blessing to all concerned.

  4. Terri, Oh my your heart is so good. I wonder who was going to be your added family member. How blessed she is to have you, she needs you. I am sure it is a comfort to her father too.
    I am so sorry that someone did that with the toy drive, how awful! All the work you and others do from your heart.
    You need some peace, saying some prayers for you, I can always send you a Jasper Pounce pic to perk you up! They have not bothered the tree AT ALL! You did a great job raising them. Pounce has turned into a butter ball, oh my!

  5. Hi Tete, lots of changes coming your way. You have a big heart of gold my friend and I will pray all goes smoothly for all. God Bless you!
    I hope the thief that took the funds will face the consequences of scamming honest and giving folks.
    Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas and many blessings in the new year. xoxo


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!