Friday, December 16, 2016

sleigh bells ring...

good morning and happy Friday!

been a busy month here and I think we are finally winding down a bit...

my "new" old moose!
found him on the last trip to goodwill...
love him...

getting things squared away for 2016...
and planning for the early part of 2017...

the snow is still on the ground...
we haven't gotten anymore...
it just won't leave...
its been bitter cold but should be warmer today...
and tomorrow looks really good before we dip again...

mother nature must have pms or something...
I stayed in all day yesterday...
I was stiff and sore anyway...
I am in hibernation mode...

my poor guys are working out in this stuff...
and DH is working overtime all week and tomorrow...
he is getting so tired...
keep them both in your prayers...

Craig is working all weekend, so nothing going to be happening around here...
no major projects or shopping trips planned...
have a good weekend!


  1. We have slick roads here in southwest Missouri this morning but no snow yet. The dark days of winter are here. Prayers for you and your family as you go through these changes. I understand your hibernation, I get my needed rest when I hibernate, it calms my fibro down. Merry Christmas Tete!

  2. Tete, I have been thinking of you and keeping you in my prayers. I always pray for people who have to be out in the cold for a living. I am hoping our winter isn't going to be all cold and snow..a good day every now and then would sure break it up for us. Stay warm and safe. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  3. Love your pictures, Tete. I don't think much will get done here this weekend either. We have a whole lotta snow coming tonight - xo Diana

  4. Cuddle up with the kitties and pups and enjoy the time alone.


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!