Monday, January 2, 2017

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!
hope 2017 is a good one for all of us!

so tired and sore...
busy last four days here...

came to the conclusion that we just don't have the health or the room for our niece to come live with us...
and I had to tell her this morning...
she seemed ok with it...
will make other arrangements out there...

have had DH to help me here since last Thursday afternoon...
and we have clean and organized extra bedroom again...
(aka my playroom)
we have a good pile going to auction...

getting a mini bathroom make over this week, too...
but hiring that done...
and should be done in one day...

I promise to get back to blogging very soon!


  1. Missing you! It feels so good to be productive. I know I cleaned out my closet if I would just get back in there and cut out half of the stuff that I left it would be great! Have a great day!

  2. I am so glad you came to that conclusion, I was so worried about you. At least you got a room clean already in the new year!

  3. Hi Tete, Glad you came to the conclusion that taking on the care of another may be too much. It's hard to realize this, but better now then later after everyone is settled. Rest when you can and best wishes to you and yours in the new year. May it be a blessing!! xoxo

  4. I know that was a tough decision to come to with your niece. I think that is the best thing for ALL of you and now you can 'let it go' and not stress over it. xo Diana


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!