Monday, December 26, 2016

we have survived!

looking forward to another year here with these dorks...
we had a wonderful Christmas with the kids...
not many left overs left...
and the weather has warmed up...

gave my niece the run down of coming here and what to expect...
waiting on her final decision...
they don't have much time to make up their minds...
so, not sure what the days ahead will hold...
but we will be ok...


  1. Dear Tete, A belated Merry Christmas to you and your family. I have been doing some blog reading tonight after I came home from the nursing home. I am sending prayers and hugs to your family to help you get through everything. We haven't had to much snow and is gone. We had ice to start with in our area. Christmas day was 64 foggy and rainy. Crazy weather. Take care. Hugs and Prayers from your Missouri Friend Shirley.

  2. Hi Tete, Glad you got thru the holidays. I think our weather's kind of crazy again. At least it rain not snow. So we all got to and from the gathering safely. Hope all of you are well . I am praying for you and your family...for it to all work for the best. Blessings , xoxo, Susie

  3. So glad your holiday was good. Not having leftovers is a good thing, that means you had plenty around the table. My Brother and sister in law ditched us 30 min before they were to arrive Christmas day. My brother said he did not feel well. Of course we make enough for a army so Bob and I ate by ourselves and I spent the first few min of the meal crying. Miss my Mom and my brother so we so no family on Christmas. Thank goodness I have my sweet Bob. But we are very busy with his family this week. Of course I have my sweet boys to love me too! Jasper and Pounce are such a joy.


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!