Tuesday, January 31, 2017

the last day...

of January...

and it will be finished...

had a good day, but didn't do much...

but it sure went fast...

it is so peaceful in the park...
even when its full of people...

but you never feel isolated...
or alone here...

for me, its like coming home...

it was good to get there this weekend...
with all the hate I seem to be surrounded by...
on the news, online...
between rioters and women dressed as viginas of all things...
(boy, what my mom and grandma would've said about that)

I was told growing up...
that being a woman meant that I could be anything that I wanted to be...
that whatever I chose, would be ok...
(that came from my mom and grandma)
and that it was good to be a woman...
that being a man wasn't what we were born to be...
and that we are different...
(the joke was that we were better)
I don't want that to change...
we already have women in the armed forces...
and in every other job on earth...
and there are those who love being a stay at home mom...
then there are the professionals...
and all the other jobs...
from retail to construction...
what more can we want?
why don't they march for hunger or homelessness?
child abuse?
did they hit the streets for 9/11?
or any of the mass shootings?
the only good they did was create jobs...
someone had to clean up after them...
for pete's sake...

and those who go in, break windows...
set things on fire...
beat each other and the cops...
and they tear up their own neighborhoods!
where they live and work and play...
where they raise their families...

if we could take all that energy...
all the hate and meanness...
and the nutty things...
and turn it around...
and do something good with it...

can you imagine what kind of a world we would be living in?
if we all cared about each other?
looked out for each other?
helped, fed, clothed each other?
prayed for each other?

I live in a small town...
where these things don't happen...
and I like it like that...
but there is still hate...
and selfishness...
and some meanness...
but not on those levels...

pray hard for us...
for all of us...
and for Trump...
some aren't even giving him a chance...
pray for all the leaders...
to come up with a better plan...
but I think the most important prayer should be for the parents who are raising their kids right now...
and the teachers who are in the classrooms...
give them guidance in what to put in the heads and hearts of these little ones...
so that when they grow up...
they will be wiser and better than those before them...


  1. Tete, I am with you...protesters need to go home and write letters to their congress people.....don't any of them have jobs?? I say why not just get brooms and sweep the streets as a symbol of cleaning up. At least some good could come from that. The protesters need to channel that energy into something positive....cause ripping and tearing isn't it. Blessings to you, xoxo, Susie


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!