Monday, January 30, 2017

what a difference a week makes...

but that's life on the prairie...

last week, we were in sweaters and walking around the state park...

yesterday, we just drove around as the snow fell...

all bundled up and the heater on full blast...

I didn't get as sick as Craig did...
and he did fine at work yesterday...
so he is totally over it...

made a meatloaf and huge baked potatoes last night for supper...

hoping for a slower paced week...
to finish out this month and start the next one...

the colder weather will slow me down...
just need to keep the housework caught up and the critter bowls full...
and it will be a good week...
blessings and prayers for all of you...
have a good Monday!


  1. Your photos are beautiful! We had a pretty day yesterday. I'm glad the bug didn't take you down, get some rest and have a good week.

  2. Tete, Thanks for the prayers. We all need them.:) Glad you are better. Craig too. Today we have sunshine...oh my gosh it's wonderful to see. This pat weekend was so gray. I always love to see your pictures. I haven't been around much to get any new photos..other than Horton's. ;) I feel that Feb. is a draggy any sunshine helps. Can you believe one month of this new year is about gone? The faster time flies the slower I seem to get. LOL. Bless your heart my friend, xoxo, Susie


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!