Tuesday, February 7, 2017

61 degrees!

its all downhill from here, though...

woke up this morning to 59 and a real live thunderstorm...
with lightning and everything...
iris are green...

trouble comes in 3s...
Mr Peebody, Mr Wiggles and Addie...

not sunshiny at all...

but it was nice to go out in a sweater and walk around a bit...

everything is coating in green ick...

looks like pond scum...
a wet, damp winter with little sunshine does that...

the rose bush by the deck is green...
and there's little buds on it...

got the back door open...
fan on...
blowing in some fresh air...
so nice...
so wanting spring now...

the dogs are insane...
playing tag...
tackling each other...
they are loving this break in winter...
hope you are having a nice, warm day in Feb!


  1. YES! 64 here now. I can not find any daffodils poking their heads up though, darn! Couple of windows open, the boys love it.

  2. Tete, It was 60 this morning and going to be in the 30's this evening, snow tomorrow. Crazy. My irises are growing too. Today was windy but pleasant temps. I hope we do not get any bad weather like the south. I love the pictures , especially the cats. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  3. Oh- Now I hope you don't get a freeze and have it kill your green growth. We are cold here- freezing rain tonight and I have to be up and out early. Hope you have a good night and I bet it feels wonderful to have your house aired out. xo Diana

  4. Hi Tete, trying to catch up with everyone since being away. Where does the time go?? I hope the cold weather on the way doesn't hurt your new garden growth. Temps in the 60's had to be a special treat. We have hit in the 80's but they are saying cold is coming back by Valentine's Day. The garden is all confused!!
    Have a nice weekend and blessings to you and your sweet family.
    Hugs xo


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!