Monday, February 6, 2017

nothing going on around here...

the biggest activity happening here lately...
Mr Peebody and Dexter...

have a few heart things around...
but not much...

just cooking, dusting, doing laundry...

staying home and staying in 99% of the time...

got 3 pot holders made...
with a lacey edge...
need to finish the throw that's in there...

DH got out this weekend...
to feed the birds...

ready to tackle this!
its not been a bad winter so far...
but the germs are everywhere!
mumps, pink eye and all kinds of flu bugs are flying around in the air here...
I feel sorry for the parents trying to keep their kids in school...
so grateful we survived that phase of our lives and its behind us now...
the guys watched the super bowl...
glad that's over, too...
now we can get back to normal...
nothing major planned for us...
still keeping the blood sugar down...
hoping this was the answer I have been looking for for a few years now...
sometimes, its just something so simple...
with an easy fix...
can't wait to see the doctor scratch his head on this one...
have a great week!

1 comment:

  1. Tete, I am glad I do not have to worry about childhood diseases too. Getting the flu...or truly NOT getting the flu is my concern . I am glad football is over also. Just counting, as in 43 days till spring. :) Blessings, xoxo, Susie


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!