Monday, February 27, 2017

good morning...

another weekend bites the dust...

DH took Friday off and then worked Saturday...
the off on Sunday...

we did the smashy and the sonogram...
techs aren't supposed to tell you, but the words calcium deposit were spoken...
but I have to wait for a reading from the radiologist and then he will mail me a letter...
so should hear officially later in the week...

we got to shop without having to buy groceries...
and DH bought some things for him...
(which he never does)

Craig and I buy the stuff for him, because he is cheap and won't get it...

so it was fun waiting on him to try on a pair of jeans...
and he got a pair...
and a belt...
which he got...
and he even picked out 2 shirts...
I tried to get him to get more...
but I was pushing it as it was anyway...
so we settled for that...
and he had gotten a new pair of tennis shoes on Monday...
so we are making progress with him...
(probably won't happen again)

we did nothing then this weekend...
just daily household things...
no tearing a room apart...
no home improvements...
just a quiet lazy Sunday...

hope you had a nice weekend...
just waiting for it to warm up back here...
should be nicer this afternoon...
we dodged all the bad weather...
no storms, a dab of rain...
cooler days...
but no snow...
I can do this!


  1. I hope this finds you and yours doing well. May we display your linked header on our new site directory, As it is now, the site title (linked back to its home page) is listed, and we think displaying the header will attract more attention.

    If you are concerned about us being up to no good, please do a Google search for SiteHoundSniffs (with or without the .com). The results should prove that this is meant to be a very good thing.

    Specifically, what we are wanting to do is take a screenshot of your header and display it (linked back to the homepage) in place of the text-link. If you will visit, it should be easy to see how having a displayed header makes an individual site more attractive to visitors and SiteHoundSniffs look better. You do not have to do a thing but grant permission. There is absolutely no charge, nor will there ever be.

  2. Tete, It is hard to believe that big blob of blue(snow) on the weather map missed your area. :) We had snow on Saturday and it melted already. The sun is out today and I am is chilly though. 22 more days till official spring on the calendar. I like your new back ground ...makes it easier for old eyes to read your posts. :):) Glad you could get your man to buy some things for himself. Ted is good about shopping....but I try to steer him from reds. He doesn't understand laundry. LOL. Blessings, xoxo, Susie


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!