Wednesday, March 1, 2017

in like a lion...

March came in with thunderstorms in our area...
hail and tornadoes around us...

but we are safe...
and the flowers are blooming!

daffodils will be next...

tulips will follow...

and the lilacs...

all the spring, eastery flowers could be spent before it gets here...
does that mean iris for Easter this year?

bud debris from the trees...

and a new addition...
rummage sale find...
for $1...
so cute, but needs a bath...

on another note...
with politics being under our noses at every turn...
its hard not form our own opinions...
I am praying for unity for our country...
for Americans...
all Americans...
to love this land and do what is best for her...
to come together to make her better...
not tear her apart piece by piece, demonstrating their intolerance for anyone with a different view on things...
I do not support the women's right's movement...
I support our constitution...
our military and their families...
and I support our president...
God bless this land with your grace and your peace...
and keep us safe from those who wish to destroy us...
its time to stop holding things up, roll up our sleeves and get to work on making this the best place on earth again...
and we can do it...
we have it in us to overcome all obstacles...
and rise above...
and we can only do that by reaching above...
and hanging onto God's hand...

be well, be safe and be blessed...

1 comment:

  1. Well done! I try to stay away from saying too much on religion or politics.


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!