Friday, March 31, 2017

what do you do on rainy days?

I have been planning...
for warmer days...
and DH is onboard with this!

and getting ready for the big mail out of the Easter cards...

found these in the Hallmark pack section...
looking vintage and all...

I picked them...
you get the 2 styles in the one pack...
with bright yellow envelopes...

and some bright stickers to go with them...
I send cards to some older ladies...
2 of them are in nursing homes...
so I really want to find cards that are bright and cheery that they can stand up on their bed side tables for a little holiday cheer for the month...
it can be a lonely time of life for those who's families are gone...
and are spending their days surrounded by strangers...
and I bet they miss their own decorations...
so, its just a little something to send their way...
with a note to let them know that they are not forgotten...

I used to send my dad little note cards every week when he went into the nursing home...
his mind was going...
so I just wrote very simple little notes in them...
I found out later that he gathered them all up every morning and put them in his pocket and carried them with him everywhere he went...
and he would take them out and show people...
these are from my daughter, he would say...
and just grin...

sometimes it just the smallest of things that bring the biggest smiles...
can you think of someone who could use a smile?
send them a pretty card...

we are taking Doug, who started his new job this week, to the clinic in the morning to do his fasting blood work...
then out for breakfast...
(its his birthday)
and we will shop at Kroger and maybe another place or two...
depending how everyone is feeling...
DH and I are on the mend!
its been a rough week, but we go through it...
y'all have a blessed weekend and show me your dirty hands and knees!
I am sure ours will be muddy...
rain, rain, rain...


  1. Tete, I loved the story of your father. You are right...some times the little things mean so much. I like to send cards to my mom's two best friends who are still with us. Glad you are on the mend. I am just getting something...not really bad and pray it does not get there. Blessings for a fun weekend...I am sick of the rain. xoxo, Susie

  2. Hi Tete, I love rainy days for creating and being in my art room. Love the darling Easter cards you found. It is such a wonderful gift for those in nursing care to receive. I love to send cards too. It's a little thing that brings great joy!!
    Glad you are feeling better. Have fun when you get out in the garden. Your plans looks wonderful.
    Blessings for a nice evening. xo

  3. Wow that is so awesome what you do with the cards. I know my mom loves getting mail of any kind (personal stuff) and since she is now having memory issues mail often helps cheer her up. I really enjoyed hearing how it brightened your dad's days.


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!