Thursday, March 2, 2017

you gotta see this!

yesterday evening, as I was putting the finishing touches on supper...
and waiting for the guys to get back from picking up Craig's car...
(gas line repair)

I looked out the window...
gasped out loud...
(to which the critters thought me insane)
and grabbed for my camera...
(rose bush with leaves)
but not the main focus here...

can you believe this?
March 1st and the forsythia is blooming...
(that just doesn't happen in these parts)

we are on day 2 of cooler temperatures...
just hanging out until it warms up again...
( by the weekend)

supper last night...
chicken breast, gravy and mashed potatoes and green beans, tomatoes, onions and garlic...
it was good...
no recipe...
another dump day...
(open and dump what you have on hand)

happy days to you!

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Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!