Monday, January 8, 2018

from last year...

just for fun and something WARM to look at...

I think we missed almost all of the snow and freezing rain that was forecast...

there is still some out there, but nothing like what we thought we would going to get...

the flooded area last year...

so ready to pull my cart around again...

DH is going to try to make it to work this morning...
but Craig has the day off...
should be all melted by noon or so...
be safe, stay warm and have good days!


  1. Oh- It does give me hope to see some warm weather again. I just do not like the snow and cold and am definitely a 'warm weather gal'. Love your pictures, Tete. xo Diana

  2. The picture are awesome! A little bit of spring in each one! Thanks for stopping by my blog.

    Grace & Peace,

  3. Very cheering for these short days...


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!