Tuesday, January 9, 2018

some of last year's accomplishments...

getting the deck painted sure made a huge difference...
we can't wait for warmer weather to be out there again...
plans are to add a breakfast bar at the end of the deck...
just nailing a 10x2 on top of the railing, painting it white to match and adding a couple of metal stools...
so we can sit and look out while we wake up in the mornings...
10 inches will be wide enough to set a plate of eggs on, too!

moving my potting area here and then filling in the area between it and the deck solved so many problems here...
the pathway through there was usually muddy and the grass was patchy...
its easier for me to get to...
even on bad days...
can't wait to add plantings here and pots of blooms this spring...

DH's willow sure made a huge gain last year...
I have been topping it to get it larger at the bottom before letting it go up...
I wanted the trunk strong enough to handle the winds...

the flooding last year forced us to move roses...
and to start this rose garden area...
still a work in progress...

I love dressing the scarecrows...
can't wait to start shopping GW Boutique again for this springs outfits...
you never know what you are going to find there!

just beginning to plan for this spring...
I would to add a bayberry and a pear tree this year...
just not sure where...
and can't wait to use the new tiller in the side yard and have a garden again this year...
other than that...
just getting back out there and playing in the dirt will be enough for me...
I'm not totally sure, but think there's something like 75 days until spring...
and you know its going to fly by!

in the meantime...
its still like this out there...
with the weather coming up being all over the place...
and now a possible snow storm hitting us this weekend...
but the snow brings nitrogen to the ground...
and that makes things grow in the spring!

blessings for a wonderful day!


  1. Tete, I always love seeing things around your yard. All you pretty garden spot. The deck looks very nice. I am ready for a break in weather...yesterday and today is good. Too foggy to leave the house But warmer. Please stay safe. Blessings to all, xoxo, Susie

  2. Your post was just what I needed. After the holidays we have three months of grey skies and snow, rain and ice . . . if you don't start planning for Spring in little ways those grey skies have a way of bringing you down. I spent last night looking through seed catalogs. The place where I have been purchasing seeds, stopped the seed selling part of their business . . . so sad because I love dealing with them. They had all my favorite seeds and now I'm having trouble finding what I want except for ordering from three different places and paying shipping three times . . . so sad, right. Well, I guess if that's all I have to complain about, I'm doing okay, LOL.
    Have a lovely day and thanks for reminding us that Spring is just around the corner.
    Connie :)
    P.S. I'm celebrating 6 years of blogging with a Give-A-Way, please come visit and put your name in the hat :)

  3. It really gives me hope to see Spring coming through your eyes, Tete. Sometimes it seems winter is never-ending here in WI.

    That is a GREAT idea about the board/breakfast bar on your deck. Perfect. xoDiana


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!