Thursday, May 10, 2018

daily news...

there's a new guy in town...

a brown thrasher!

things are growing...

honey suckle...

we got half an inch of rain last night...
but I think it might have been more since most of the rain was going sideways!
and we don't have a wind sock for the rain gauge...

the city lake...

and the corn is up!
this is the field at the end of our street...

doing better here every day...
getting all those little things done around here that have been put off for way too long...
every day, something gets done and I go to the next thing...
no outside work...
we are pretty much caught up until we start planting...
will get the garden area worked up this weekend...
won't plant until later...
we have plenty of time...
got a mini heat wave going on here...
could this be the signs of a long, hot and dry summer?
I sure hope not!

1 comment:

  1. I always love your pictures, Tete. Waiting here for Ryan so we can go somewhere so thought I would sneak in a visit to you! lol You really do get such GREAT pictures! I hope you don't have a long, hot dry summer. xo Diana


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!