Thursday, May 17, 2018

its been a week already?

where does the time go?

so much going on and yet its the same old thing...

its all about the birds and blooms here...

this one is here to stay, I think...

coming every day!

and the iris are going full bloom right now...

someone is getting a bit cocky at the feeder...

maple seed pods are everywhere!

indigo bunting...

I love these!


been doing laundry...

like they never go away!

bird love!

and the neighbor found him last night in his garage...
so guess who's bottle feeding?
Craig named him Diddy...
and that's the latest...

we still need rain- started watering already...
missed the bad storm that went south of us last night...
and it was nasty, so that's ok...
just a normal storm is ok with me...

have good weekends!


  1. Tete, Birds and flowers ...the perfect combination. I loved them all. I used to have indigo buntings here, when we first put out feeders. I have not seen one in 4 years. Hope you are all doing well. Blessings to you sweet friend, xoxo, Susie

  2. Tete, I have noticed whenever I leave a comment on your isn't there if I go back to visit your blogs again....which I do , because I love your pretty gardens and yard. Hope this one comes thru. Blessings, xoxo, Susie


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!