Friday, June 29, 2018

oh, is it hot...

heat indexes at 110 here...

I am staying inside 99% of the time...

we had just over 4 inches of rain last week...
on a couple of downpours that laid the hydrangea flat...

they have not perked back up...

but they are still pretty...

not sure if I will be able to do our 4th of July celebration this weekend or not...
if the heat bothers me, I will turn around and go back inside and stay there...
have a good weekend...


  1. Tete, We are getting the same nasty stuff. Gee spring was hot also. My sister says she is ready for fall . Not me girl, I want to enjoy every day of summer...but the heat does hinder that joy somewhat. I will be trying to stay cool. Taking iced water everywhere we go. Blessings, xoxo, Susie.
    p.s. love the pretty hydrangeas.

  2. Hi Tete, It's hot here too. Not just hot, but we also had epic rains (10" in a week!) and flooding. No flooding at my home, but many were affected and there was a drowning of a fellow whose car stalled in floodwaters. Your flowers are gorgeous! I have a hydrangea that looks just like yours and the rain made mine lie down also. I like the pink cleome best, but having a variety is nice. Daylilies are a favorite of mine and they are starting to bloom too. Hope the weather gets better, and you feel well.


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!