Sunday, July 1, 2018

4th celebration...

I am in a fibro flare...
so my guys took my camera and went up to the car show...

they weren't gone very long...
its been so hot and humid...
heat advisories every day...

a native DJ comes home every year to do the car show with 50s-60s music...

they only had about half the cars...
many called to say it was just too hot to do the show...

hopefully, next year will be cooler...

darn weather...

I missed that and all the other activities, including the parade, which was in the hottest part of the day...

but I did see the fireworks...

 I stuck my nose out the door around 7 and it was so nasty out there...

so I took my shower and put on my gown...
the humidity dropped by 9pm...
it usually just gets worse as the night goes on...
but not last night...
so DH drove us to the edge of town and we sat in the van...
me in my night gown...
and watched them...

they were half an hour later than usual...
and only lasted 20 minutes...
less than half of what they normally do...
but we didn't have to do out of town to see them...

laying low today...
got to get passed this!
have a fun day and stay cool!


  1. H3Y! The guys did a pretty good job taking photos for you. I wouldn't have wanted to be out in the heat and humidity either. Great fireworks shots, Tete. Hope you have a blessed Sunday- xo Diana

  2. Tete, I sure hope you are feeling better. You got some decent photos from the men going to the car show. I love the see cars going down the road on their way to one or from one. You know how you wish you had your camera at certain times.? Ted and I were driving around the other day and saw a car covered in stuffed frogs !! I do not know how they were stuck to the car packing tape? super glue? It was funny, and we wondered if it could be dangerous to drive incase one flew off.:):) Take care get well in time for your 4th. Many place had their fireworks already. Blessings, xoxo, Susie


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!