Wednesday, November 13, 2019

arctic blast and all that rot...

we got 3 1/2 inches of snow on top of ice...
and its still out there...
but, I am warm inside...
so just to get caught up with you all...

I did the meds and am much better...
its not completely gone...
still a bit of a cough...
but major difference...
loved being on the steroids...
I felt "normal"...
no fibro...
had energy...
but it didn't last...
oh, well...
I did get a lot of cleaning done...
DH had some longs days...
but he has come home at normal time the last 2 days and its wonderful to have him back...
he has been working on getting everything ready to retire at the end of June...
"next winter, when the snows come, I will be sitting here(kitchen table) in my jammies and a cup of coffee and watch it happen"
he is so ready...

the babies have been a handful and will be ready to go this weekend...
yay for them and us!
and this weekend we start setting up the toy drive...

life has been happening around here...
and I will get some photos soon and get those posted...
have good days!


  1. Glad retirement is coming soon for your husband. Indeed it is so nice to be able to relax inside on a cold morning! And basically schedule your day as you wish!

  2. I love being retired and I think your guy will too.

  3. Hi Tete, It is cold and nasty ere too. I hate it , I never have liked winter. Oh won't it be nice to have DH home all the time. Hope you two get out and travel a bit while you are young. Hooray to be rid of the babies. They will help keep someone warm. LOL. Ted had a good report st the bone marrow clinic yesterday. Maybe getting maintenance chemo next week, hopefully at the hospital closer to us. So many appointments to go to , back to clinic in the week of Thanksgiving, then two heart appts the first week of Dec.
    Take care so you can get well. Stay warm sweet girl, blessings,xoxo,love, Susie


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!