Thursday, November 14, 2019

catching up...

the beginning of the snowstorm...
which is what we should have gotten, but there ended up being a little bit more...
fall has been interrupted...

so I stay in and clean, cook and watch the birds...

its warmer today and the snow is melting...
we can see the grass in some areas, under the leaves...
which we didn't get to...
we have to shovel the yard before we can rake it...
the guys said no way...
I am not sure why...

have a good day


  1. Dear Tete, We've had several days of snow as well; thankfully it is stays on the ground for a couple of days. On days like that, I like to stay in and read or even take a nap. We are looking good into next week and while I don't mind a light dusting periodically, I don't relish having it every week.
    Sending you hugs today.

  2. Tete, I know what you mean about snow on all those leaves. What a crazy autumn. I am ready for the warmer days. I have been chilly for three days now. Blessings, stay warm, xoxo, Susie

  3. We have snow here and I am pretty sure it is here for the winter now. It got cold really early and the snow came in October while the leaves were still in full color.
    Hope you have had a good fall and haven't been in too much pain. xo Diana


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!