Monday, September 20, 2021

for sale...

 800,000 children go missing in the US every year...
where do they go?

who knows what happens to them?
child trafficking is real...
who would buy a child?
why would they buy a child? for one...
sells cabinets online for over $5,000...
the same cabinet you can buy at IKEA for $120...
makes you go hmmm...
what's so special about the higher priced ones?
who would pay that kind of money?

its about what's inside the cabinet...
or rather who...

and then there are those who sacrifice...
they must do blood sacrifices to their god...
then there's the cannibals..
and they all do exist...

google human meat lockers...
you can buy human flesh online...
heard of spirit cookers?

what's in the shipping containers?
why is the border so important???
children and drugs...

now who opened the border up wide open?
who pockets the money being made?
how rich are the democrats?
where did they get all that money?

who did they step on to get to where they are?
do you think they really care about you?
they keep you dependent on them...
free handouts are not free...
you will pay for all of it...
one way or another...

who are they working for?
who are they working with?

start digging...
its all out there...
people are stepping forward and exposing them...

audits are important...
our ability to have a voice is important...
when that is gone...
we are done...

you want one world order?
rations handed out...
lines for food?
or no food at all because you aren't important enough to feed?
no medical care...
no rights at all...
show up and work or die...

wake up if you are not...
the election was rigged...
too many videos of them adding ballots after hours...
tubs of fake ballots...
printed in china...

so many things going on that the mainstream media is not reporting on...
they hide the truth...
they are a part of the problem...
who pays their bills?

this is about the children...


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Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!