Sunday, September 19, 2021

most can't handle the truth...

 there is so much information out there...
right under our noses...
the censorship going on is hiding most of it...

there are  key words the fact checkers look for...
and those posts are pulled quickly...
so much for free speech...

there's a major difference from being woke and awake...
the things they are trying to teach the kids now...
each group is responsible for someone else's strife...
racism exists in the media lies...
I have not seen it around me...
people treat each other according to their character, not their color..
a child can pick their gender between ages 3-5?
they don't even know what that means...
they aren't allowed to drive or vote or drink yet...
because they have no judgement skills...
but they can line up to be altered...
for life...
makes sense?

when I was little, about that age...
I wanted to be a boy so bad...
so I could pee standing up...
run around outside without a shirt on...
I outgrew that, mostly...
but God made me female...
for a reason...
he didn't make a mistake...
thank God my parents didn't haul me in to talk to someone about it...
pay for pills to make me feel better about myself...
they let me do that on my own...
I figured it out...

mamas are stepping up all over the country...
they are taking on the school boards...
many parents are pulling their kids out of school rooms and home schooling now...
it matters what you teach  your kids...
who teaches them...

people are standing up...
they want answers...
they want change...
that's a good thing...

we have gone along with things for far too long...
if something is wrong, its wrong...
no matter who does it...
why they do it...
and who it effects...
its still wrong...

stand up for your kids...
for God...
for this country...

take it back...
inch by inch if we have to...
I'm not going without a fight...
I'm not backing down...
God has my back...
I am not afraid...

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Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!