Sunday, October 31, 2021

Oh, my sweet friends...

I have not been called to make your life comfortable...

Jesus did not come to make your life comfortable...

I am here to do His work...

and His work is to save souls from going to hell...

if you have a pastor who makes you feel comfortable...

find another church...

you need one who steps on your toes and makes you wince sometimes..

if he is doing his job...

he preaches the bible...

and Jesus talked more about hell than he did about Heaven...

if you are comfortable, you are lukewarm...

you better be on fire now...

or you will burn later...

and I will use this blog to glorify God as long as He tells me to do so...

because someone out there needs this...

my stats are higher than they should be...

I know you are finding His message here...

I may not be posting what is pretty and boring...

but I am posting what is important...

and I do fear God's wrath...

more than anything in the world...

prayers for all of you...

keep praying for me... 

1 comment:

  1. For I know whom I have believed and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day. II Timothy 1:12

    I still believe that as Christians we need to encourage each other and share the joy of Christ. He created this world for man to enjoy and until He takes me home I will enjoy it and share what is beautiful about it.

    Each of us must do what we believe the Lord wants us to do. I meant no harm by my comment the other day. Only that sometimes I get discouraged and it's nice to see happy and joyous posts to encourage me to keep on going.


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!