Sunday, December 19, 2021

Merry Christmas...

we have been busy...

the toy drive is done...
and very successful...

the guys had head colds before...
then gave it to me...

so I had it during the toy drive and stayed home...

but some really awesome firemen took my place and did a wonderful job...
so it's all good...

donations were through the roof...
and we only had 35 kids...

the parents got stimulus checks through the year for each child...
and most of our parents were good to go this year...
so, we save if back for next year...

my brother passed away the 9th of November, right before his birthday...
he was 56...
they have no clue why...
his wife came home from work and found him gone...
if you could keep his wife, son and his family in your prayers as they move through the Christmas season...

hope you have a wonderful time this year...
we are so blessed...
see you next year...


1 comment:

  1. Tete, Sorry about your brother very young. Sending hugs and prayers to all. Have a blessed Christmas. xoxo,love, Susie


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!