Wednesday, June 28, 2023

stuck inside...

between the heat and the smoke...

and some days, both...

I am hiding out in here...

we were supposed to have clear blue skies...

but all we have is this funky haze hanging over us...

it looks like an early morning fog...

with air quality alerts...

we never have that here...

hope your skies are clear where you are at...

have good days...


  1. Hi Tete! These dog days of summer are coming a month early!! I only go out after 7 or 8pm. It is just too darn hot, even in the shade. 107 today. My garden and flowers are doing so well that I have moved them into shady spots to keep them from burning up. Good to hear from you. I just may start a new blog just to stay in touch! ~jackiesee~

  2. Tete, We have the same here in central Indiana. Stinks. Can't enjoy the outdoors at all anymore it seems. Cold and nasty in winter, too much rain at times in spring or like this year super hot days way too soon. Now the crazy smoke. I have had allergies since I moved to town and this isn't helping. Bummer, just got a new deck and can not sit out. Praying our Lord gives us all another chance and lets our lives get back to normal. Blessings, xoxo, Susie


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!