Saturday, February 17, 2024



good morning!

bringing you another cute cow pic and inspiration in a cup...

got a very small list of things to do today...

a shower is one of them...

it's 8 out this morning and the snow is covering the ground...

the birds are out in force at the feeder...

it will hang on today...

but it will melt tomorrow!

one thing about our weather here...

it's always changing...

have a wonderful weekend...

God bless you all!


  1. Funny how cold, snowy days affect me. I kind of love them. When we were kids we would hunker down by the wall register in the living room corner and read Emily Loring books. Grace Livingston Hill. Mysteries. Westerns. Anything we could find in the bookmobile that came to town once a month. No needing to go out on the farm to milk cows. No chores except what Mom would assign. No TV. No radio. Just reading. And waiting to see what Mom was cooking on the stove. That was when we were older kids. When we were younger we exhausted ourselves playing outside in the snow. I really did love winter. I'm sure because I was a kid without the hard stuff adults have to do year round. I think I'm like your corn fed squirrels. I'll bet they love winter too. At your house. The word is out.

  2. Kathe- such sweet memories. We kept ourselves entertained during the snow storms. We had to haul wood in for the stove. My brother had to feed the dog. Other than that, we read, played games and cards. We did watch tv. I usually had a paper to write for school on something. We enjoyed the down time.


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!