Sunday, February 18, 2024

Prayers needed...


this is Carrie and Matt...
friends of ours...
our kids are friends...
Matt was diagnosed with leukemia last year...
the end of summer...
he is now on round 4 of chemo in a hospital in Chicago...
with Carrie by his side...
she has health problems of her own which she is putting off to take care of him...
they have 3 kids and 6 grandchildren...
when they started this journey, they had been taking care of their parents...
they had all four of them...
in December, Carrie's mother passed away...
in January, her father joined her...
now in February, Matt's father has made the trip to the other side also...
Brad is the oldest and lives in a different town, works full time and is the driver to take them back and forth from Chicago...
he is a close friend of Doug's, same age...
Eric, one of Craig's best friends...
moved in with them to help take care of his grandparents...
while his parents are off doing chemo...
Betsi, the youngest, lives in yet another town...
and holds it all together...
she takes care of them all...
and handles the fund raising...
communication with everyone waiting to hear how things are going...
mom of 3 kids...
running her own business from home...
their plates are just full...
they are christians...
they believe in prayer...
they have always been such good people...
this family does life together...
without fanfair, without drama...
they have not complained one time through all of this...
so if you have time today, this week...
could you say a prayer for them?
God knows what they need...
thank you...
God Bless


  1. Tete, I will pray for Carrie, Matt, and their family. When you are family, illness effects the whole family. Glad the have great friends like you. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  2. Tete, prayers for The Lord's Will to be granted and courage to be abound along this hard new journey. I pray there are many happy memories and stories being told, good news from the medical teams, and long and healthy years for all. ~jackiesee~

  3. Absolutely! I'm thinking most of us can relate and our hearts go out to this precious family. God is good and filled with mercy! They are His beloved.


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!