Saturday, November 6, 2010

kitchen works...

mid way through the disaster...
notice my mail cart on the right...
my best buddy in the house...
that's also Craig laying down in the floor...
he thought I would crop him out...
not today, ha...
I'm thinking bead board in here 2/3 of the way up...
but do I stay with yellow walls above or go pink?...
found the tulip and crocus bulbs that need planted this weekend...
there are 30 tulip and 20 crocus...
spring will be awesome!...
ta da- my new cheese crate light that I found on eBay...
it came this morning...
with rusty metal stars...
and a gauze ribbon...
the dreaded corner...
see, Debbie...
I have those, too...
this is after I moved out a pile of boxes and an old high chair...
my new chicken...
looks like he was shot with bird shot...
I still have more tweaking to do...
but the beginnings are good...
so far...
little over night suit case holds vintage paper dolls, post cards and valentines...
the lamp shade is crooked and the table needs washed off again...
so don't look so close...
the bottom of the mantel holds the cat's food dishes...
no more stubbing my toes on them and sending cat food half way across the kitchen or tipping the water bowl...
and the top of the desk...
I am using my new tea cup for a place to put my reading glasses...
I get so tired of trying to find them all the time...
and yes, some of the time, they are on top of my head...
well, girls, this wore me out and I did take Nyquil to get through it...
so maybe, I should take a nap and dream of spring days...
have a sweet weekend...


  1. Finally! I get to see the inside of your house Tete! LOVE the mantel!
    What color will the beadboard be?
    That crate with the electric candles is waaay cute!

  2. I just love your mantle and the way you have the iron trellis behind it-how creative is that. It looks so pretty and I think yellow is just hard to beat but pink is my favorite color :) You reminded me that I need to get my bulbs out--this is something I struggle to do despite great intentions and I really want tulips this coming thank you :)
    Great post -Amy

  3. Your corner looks great. I love bead board, and I love Pink....but for a kitchen probably yellow. But my Grandma had a pink kitchen!

  4. You really took a lot of great pictures. I enjoyed poking around in your neat

  5. You are going right at it I see. Laughing here about the bird with the buckshot...I think that was my own comment;>) I love that cheese crate you found, Tete. It had your name written all over it. I hope you get some rest now..with or without the Nyquil.

    oh..wanted to add. We have always had an animal or two (not right now sadly) but I cannot tell you how many times I have walked into a food bowl, dish, plate and had it go flying across the floor scattering whatever food was in it to Kingdom Come! That was always SOOO aggravating. Smart idea! Hugs- Diana

  6. Tete I love it all. It's so cozy and welcoming and charming. The mantle looks great. All it needs is me sitting in that chair with some tea in that cup. (My glasses always go missing, too).


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!