Sunday, March 20, 2011

Bring on the rain...

this song was my mother's favorite song ever...
she rocked all her babies to it...
all babies that crossed her path...
and every single animal we ever had...

so many things have happened in the world lately...
and things are still going on...
things going on in our lives...

chaos happens when we forget to let God in...
what is happening to our country?
our world?
how did we let a handful of people tell us what we can do and where we can do it?
where and when we can talk to God?
well, I figure if our highest court cannot protect the rights of a family burying a fallen soldier in peace and with respect...
then I have the same right to pray where, when and how loud I want to...
it's called FREEDOM OF SPEECH...

I am praying for our world leaders...
they need all the guidance that they can get...
every child in the world who is stuck in the middle of adults being stupid...
every momma who doesn't have her child to rock to sleep anymore...
all our soldiers who are fighting while we are safe at home...
Japan-  men, women, and children...
the homeless, the hungry...
the unsaved...
and the saved who are trying so hard to live in a world of chaos...
rain down upon us blessings from Heaven, Lord...

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Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!