Tuesday, June 7, 2011

well, back to normal...

up and at 'em first thing this morning...
got another scorching hot day coming...
not exactly where I would have planted it...
but God knows better about these things than I do...
so here it will stay...
tried to move one last year and it didn't make it...
it's opening!
and my neighbors' day lilies are up and blooming this morning...
mine aren't even close!
what's up with that?
just wanted to show you the bean field at the end of the street this morning...
everything is coming up and even if the farmers thought they got a late start...
you won't be able to tell by the end of the month...
looking hot already...
I just can't believe the weather this year...
hard telling how it's going to end...
I do know we could use some more rain already...
the best place to be anytime of the day is in the shade...
and I am so grateful that we planted these trees many years ago...
wish we would have started doing that sooner...
but the guys didn't want trees in their way of playing football, baseball and practicing their golf swings...
you know- those crazy little boys grew up to be men...
figures- should have known that's how they would turn out...
sun coming up over the corn field...
and headed back inside...
plant place was 1/2 off this morning so bought dusty miller, airplane plants and a couple spikes...
put a few in the ground, but I need more cans...
the guys need to eat more veggies anyway...

couple things I need to work on on the blog today...
one thing is my playlist...
I have to hit play anytime I come in, so I don't know if you have to or not...
I have to check to see if any of the songs have been taken off, cuz that will stop it from playing for sure...

hope you all aren't as hot as we are...
and I hope the ones who live is Iowa will be safe and their homes not flooded...

our town is testing our sirens right now...
can hardly hear them in here with the house shut up and the air on...
it wouldn't wake us up at night...
they test them the first Tuesday of every month...
we used to have a noon whistle that went off every day and they used that for the volunteer fire department, too, so we knew every time the fire trucks went out...
but, with technology the way it is, they all carry pagers now...
just not as fun as it used to be...
and with facebook, we're all on here, we don't have to run to the post office or grocery store to find out what happened...
I love a small town...
if only we had some fast food places and a Dollar Store...
it would be Heaven on earth!


  1. Looks like a lovely place to live. It is interesting how everyones flowers bloom at different times all over the country:)
    ~Debra xxx
    Capers of the vintage vixens

  2. Know how you feel about the daylilys as my crepe myrle trees are not yet blooming and all the neighbors are. And they are glorious.

    Re the music: it plays instantly. Have a good day!

  3. Your place is looking wonderful even in the heat, Tete. Make sure you don't overdo in this weather. We are hot too today. Way above normal..and it is like Spring missed us altogether.

    As far as your boys growing up-I have a theory...that I have heard...Little girls grow up to women and Little boys grow up to be big boys!;>) Stay cool- xo Diana

  4. Flowers looking good!

    I have not found any pics of pool at Morton park but some reunion pics there.

    No locust on Jackson street. My cousins do on Andover...going in their house is like getting dive bombed!! hope they are gone by the 4th they have a big party.

    Remember the old saying about the corn "knee high by 4th of july" I always thought it was stupid because it was so tall........but some fields may just be knee high!!

    have a great day. ready to head back home!


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!