Tuesday, April 17, 2012


between house work and pulling weeds...
I have pulled a few muscles as well...
but got things done and it was a good day...
heading for a hot shower and probably bed...
yeah, I'm wimping out...
anyway, check out our ladder climbing cat...
I have never had one do that before...
have a good evening...


  1. Everything is looking GREAT, Tete. We had one cat that would climb a ladder, too. It is so comical to watch them go up. the funny thing is I don't remember watching that cat come DOWN.

    I was gone all day and worked with my daughter this afternoon making costumes for the little girl's dance recital. It will be here before we know it.

    I hope you get a good night's sleep, Tete, and wake up feeling good and not too achy. xoDiana

  2. Rest those achy muscles...That cat was just getting up there for a photo shoot...It worked!! ;-) lol Have a relaxing night Tete...*I was working on closets today...Cleaning out and gleaning now that I pretty much have this house put together...declutter is the word. :-) Need to weed this weekend. HUGS!

  3. Hello Tete,
    Enjoyed your pictures thank you for sharing!!!
    Your cat looked beautiful for its photo shoot today
    Suzann ~xoxo~

  4. Everything looks so green and beautiful. Got to get some Dianthus, I miss them.
    The cat just wants a picture of himself on that ladder. We used to have one that climbed the ladder to lay on top of the house in the sun.

  5. Tete, You have the loveliest gardens. I enjoy seeing your photos so much. Smiles, Susie

  6. Your gardens are so gorgeous. Your cats look happy, mine would not come in if I took him out.


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!