Friday, July 13, 2012

new additions...

well, yesterday was a roller coaster for me and my blood sugar, so I didn't get much done until after supper last night...
I finally found my netting that my bestie had given to me on my birthday a couple years ago...
Craig helped me hang it up...
I was saving it for this spot!

it will completely surround the napping area...
no flies up the nose again!

and I finally hung a plant inside this wonderful frame that DH bought for me a couple months ago...

it folds flat to store it, too...

the ferns are gone...
just watering twice a week to keep the root balls alive...
they announced last night on the news that we are now in a severe drought...
we were supposed to get rain starting in today...
but that changed sometime during the night...
we have a 10% chance now, and they have postponed it until tomorrow...
but next week looks more promising...
until they take it out of the forecast...

wonder who's under here????
can you guess????

why, its Mr Wiggles, of course...
all the cats like to hide under here...
but most of them get all of their body parts under it...

DH is happier than a pig in mud...
there is a pole light out by the road that we paid to have on for 17 years...
then last year it went out and we kind of liked the dark...
you can really see so many more stars without the light on, so I called and told them to take it down, we didn't want it anymore...
it was great when the kids were all at home and the neighbor kids still lived here...
gave them plenty of light to shoot hoops after dark and play out in the north lot...
but those days are gone...
so our neighbor across the street called them back and said she wanted the light back on...
and she paid for it for a year...
or so...
two nights ago, DH went to bed early...
and Craig and I went out after dark to go for our walk and the light was out...
it was great...
then yesterday we looked closer and its completely gone...
so DH had fun on the deck last night...
he's a star gazer...
Craig and I added a short string of icicle lights to the back of the deck along the bottom...
just enough light to walk around out there and not trip over the cats and dog...
he loves it...
I am still waiting on a few days of rain to see how it is when its dreary out there...
now that's my kind of fun!

have a great day...


  1. You know, Tete, you are so descriptive that I always feel like I am right there with you- admiring the netting over your sleeping area, watching the cat's paws twitch now and then as they stick out from under the hiding place. In my mind's eye I can see you and your son walking down your lane and noticing that the light is GONE...and I enjoy every moment of my visits here-even though I don't always take time to do more than a brief comment.

    Hope today is a good day for you and I am praying for rain for ALL of us that need it- Blessings- xo Diana

  2. Your napping area is so lovely! I have a spot on our back porch that's secluded, and when it's nice out, my next door neighbors can probably hear me snore away!
    Severe drought here too. I'm now trying to decide whether it would be cheaper to continue watering or just buy new plants next year. Water ain't cheap!

  3. RAH that the light is gone and the stargazers can delight!!! Twinkle lights are one of my favorites!;-) Love the netting...yah...who wants a fly up the nose??!! O.O My hubs went over and lay on the porch sofa (which is SO comfortable) after we ate out there last night and fell asleep and FOUR hours later woke was already in bed...I tried to waken him at go...just left the porch light on and the door unlocked...I think I may have lost dibs on that sofa now...He says it is the fresh air...I agree.*Like the kitty pic...did YOU get down to get that shot under the furniture??? I really like the iron planter frame your hubby got. it's so pretty with the green!! Hope you get rain know I'm praying..we are getting a smattering of soft showers on and off...a little bit helps... have a great weekend. hope you feel good! xoxo

  4. Yay! you finally have a sleeping area on your deck/porch! I would be out there rain or shine.
    Your star gazer must be sooo happy to have that light off.
    Love the idea of the twinkle lights for the night time walkway.
    Summer time is going way too fast for me. Sounds like you are getting every moment of fun out of it at your place, Tete.
    Enjoy the weekend, my sweet friend.

  5. love Mr. Wiggles. His paws look so cute. That just cracked me up.
    Your sleeping/nap area looks so cozy.
    It all sounds like a good old fashioned summer....just the kind I like.
    I hope we all get rain....this weather is just crazy (not to mention a little bit scary).


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!