Friday, August 31, 2012

getting ready for the rain, wind and watches that are popping up...

the autumn clematis across from our drive way is open!

and it smells so good!

for those of you who asked to see the baby...
here she is...
originally "Bleubell"...
she has been renamed by the guys to...
"Princess Snuggles"...

and we are keeping her mom...

and there they are...
mother and daughter...
not sure if you can see a resemblance or not, but trust me, its there...

and of course...
we have Craig posing for you today...
this means he likes you...
lucky you, huh?...

now back to the clematis...

what a wonderful fall flower...

and its full of honey bees...
but no butterflies this year...

spent the morning clearing the bedding and pillows off of the deck...
cushions are in the shed...
even put a tarp up to block the rain from blowing in so much in case we want to sit out and watch it come down...

I need prayer today for a 13 year old girl...
grand daughter of my neighbor...
daughter of a neighbor that we watched grow up, get married and move away...
she even used to babysit our kids...
her youngest child had a sore ankle and she took her to the ER...
they found a rare form of bone cancer, its moved into the muscle tissue up the leg and then they found a grape sized mass in her lung...
this was 2 days ago...
she has been shipped to a larger hospital and is starting chemo today...
they are in the fight of their life...
the child's name is Tori...
with a face full of freckles...
she should be trying to decide what to wear for school and whether she got her homework done today...
not hooked up to lines and having nasty drugs shot into her...
but for some reason, God has chosen this path for them...
and I know they need His help to get through this...
keep  her close to your hearts and whisper her name often...


  1. oh- Tete- I am just bawling thinking about this little girl. I just can't imagine going thru that with one of my granddaughters- You can bet I will be praying for her. Do you have a picture of her at all? What an awful thing. My cousin had a sore ankle and it "broke" when she was 13. They took her leg off all the way to her hip socket. She also had old-school chemo. That was 54 years ago and she has led a healthy life and became a college professor. There IS hope-I believe in miracles.

    Your little Blue is so danged cute. Almost as cute as your Craigers...and I am NOT using her new name!;>) xo Diana

    ps...stay safe in the storms

  2. "Why, Lord...?" is always the first thing that squeezes my heart when I hear prayer requests like this, Tete. So very sad, but we prayer warriors will stay strong FOR that sweet child and will lift up her name daily.

    xoxo laurie

  3. So glad to see Bleubelle! Never knew what Mama looked like!
    The clematis,i love.

    Praying for the family...oh my.

    Finally got my blog to load! Thanks for your help.

  4. I'm so sorry Tete. What a horrible thing. I truly don't understand life anymore. Why do people have to endure all of this, especially childen?
    I will certainly pray and keep this family close to my heart.
    The clematis is beautiful, but so hard to understand such beauty and such pain.
    hugs always,


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!