Saturday, September 1, 2012

prayers are urgently needed...

this is Tori...
before the madness started happening...

Tori and her sister in her hospital bed...

in the last few days...
Tori has gone from a swollen ankle and then pain so bad she couldn't stand it...
to being rushed to the ER for xrays to see if it was broken...
to being rushed to a major hospital in Louisville for more tests...
they found a rare form of bone cancer in the ankle...
cancer cells have spread up in to muscle tissue in the leg...
and they had found one grape sized mass in her lung...
she was supposed to start chemo yesterday...
but at the bigger hospital...
they found a total of 4 masses in the lung...
so they ran her into surgery to remove them...
through several incisions, they removed the masses...
and they think they got it all there...
she needs to start chemo, but not sure when...
and they need to find out how far the cancer cells are in the leg before they operate there...
not sure if it will be an amputation or what...

she is our neighbor's granddaughter...
her momma used to live here...
even baby sat our kids some...
Marcie has gone through much in her life...
some of it in the wrong direction...
but she found God and a church and raised her kids there...
this is a real test of faith for them all...
Tori's sister has to go in every now and then to get blood...
this past year, and they haven't figured out why...
she becomes anemic enough to require blood...
so they have been dealing with that...
and her not being able to attend school and being home schooled now...

life is full of them...
but it hurts the most when they hit us through our children...
please keep them all in your prayers...
more tests are being done...
but the doctors there seem to right on top of it...
time matters in cancer...
and they aren't wasting a minute looking for it...
pray they find it all and stop it in time...
Tori's 13 and full of spunk...
she did great through the surgery and her spirits are high...
but you know how sick chemo can make you...
its hard telling what all this child is going to have to go through on this journey...
just please pray and keep praying...
I will update you as I get news...


  1. I am praying for complete healing for this young lady and comfort and support for her family.

  2. Tete, I am praying for tori and her family. We never know what life has in store for any of us. I like to say that I am blessed, even when I am in pain. Thank you asking the people out here to pray. I do believe in the power of prayer. Smiles, Susie

  3. Hi there, I count it a privilege to lift up Tori and her family. May Jehovah Rophe totally and completely heal her and give her, as well as her family, complete peace. Thank you for sharing this. You are right, it is especially hard when something so awful happens to a child.
    Blessings, Noreen

  4. Thank you, Tete. I have been outside all day and about to head out again. I am going to post this on my blog tomorrow and ask for prayers. I am putting on the mini-story- with a link back to this post for the full story- xo Diana

  5. Praying for all involved, will put her on prayer list at church.
    Our nephew's daughter has had to have her leg amputated because of cancer, so please pray for her, too. She is 22, I think, and has been dealing with this since she was about 16. Her name is Amber. Please pray for her, too.

  6. I read of your call out for prayer from Nana Diana, such devastating news, please know that I will keep all concerned in my prayers, best wishes from canada,

  7. Hi Tete,
    How sad! I am praying for total healing for both girls, and praying for the strength and comfort of their family. Please keep us posted.

  8. My prayers for the two girls, and I am wondering if they were somehow exposed to an environmental toxin. Do they live near a farm where pesticides are used?

  9. oh, this just hurts my heart so! but God can make a way where there seems {to us} to be no way...and He will!

    m ^..^

  10. My heart and prayers go out to the girls and their parents. It is devastating to have health issues like these with children. You have so many questions. Just know there are a lot of people praying for them including me. A Missouri Friend

  11. I will be happy to pray for Tori and her sister. And their worried Momma. Thank you for letting us all know so we can.

  12. I'm so sorry to hear about Tori and will say some prayers for this sweet girl this morning. As fo rher sisiter, they should investigate Walstrom's disease, it is a rare form of blood cancer, but it starts out masquerading as anemia and gets progressively worse with time. I know about it b/c my grandfather eventually died from it. He used to get transfusions all the is not easy to diagnose. I will say some prayers for this entire family.

  13. Hi Tete...I stopped by yesterday, and read this post.
    I came back today to tell you the girls, and doctors are being prayed for.
    Bless your heart for getting the word out, Tete.
    Look at the people praying....

  14. I saw this story on Nana Diana's page and had to stop by to let you know I'm praying for both girls! I believe in the power of prayer! May God comfort and give you strength in this difficult time.

  15. I am visiting from Nana
    Diana's blog....Please let
    Tori's family know that
    we are praying for her
    full and speedy recovery
    and for grace on this journey
    that she is starting on.
    It will be a rough road, but
    with love and support, one
    she will conquer!

    Much love,
    xo Suzanne


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!