Monday, September 3, 2012

Labor Day weekend...

we went over to the game after half time on Friday night to see how they were doing...
parked along side just off of the road...

we have spent many evenings here watching our kids...

now, there isn't very many that we know...
its been 10 years since Craig played...

then we went to town Saturday and Sunday...

this is the new bridge they are putting in on Rt16...
its going to be a lot higher than the old one...

its supposed to take 2 years to finish...

can't wait for it to be done...

then this morning...
after breakfast...
I went out and looked around...
then we went for a walk...
rosebud inpatients are wonderful...

and the knock out rose is just full of new blooms...

we got a whole whoppin' 1.8 inches of rain this weekend...

but it helped bring things back to life here...

and its been so humid and sticky out...

and this smells so good...

we did pick up 3 new mums at Walmart...

2 burnt orange and a dark purple...

97 cents each for the small ones...

aren't they pretty?
I used to have a very large yellow one out front...
was there for years and then it just finally died out...
I like the deeper, richer tones in the mums...

did do some clothes shopping...
I was so unsure about what size to get, so we experimented a bit...
some things I can so xl and then there are just some I want a bit big, so went to xxl...
got pants, shirts, nighties, sweaters, undies and bras in the 2 trips...
glad I went...
found some great deals on the clearance racks, too...

haven''t heard anything on Tori for a couple days now...
with the holiday weekend and her major surgery on Friday...
I'ld bet they are letting her recover from that a bit before they hit her with more on Tuesday...
thank you for all your prayers and words of kindness...
its going to be a long and bumpy road for them for awhile...
but God will keep them safe in his arms while this all happens...
bless your hearts for all you do!

1 comment:

  1. Can you believe it is 10 years since Craig played football? Time just flies by, doesn't it? Your gardens and plants look beautiful. Those rose bloom impatiens are just gorgeous.

    I am proud of you for the hard work it takes to lose weight- know all about that-

    I hope that there is some update on Tori after the weekend- my heart just aches for all of them- xo Diana


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!