Monday, September 3, 2012

Tori update...

the weekend has been good for her...
she turned 13 on the 1st...
and they pulled the chest tube last night...
healing well...
and they did the first chemo treatment today...
she has to do 10 weeks of that...
so far, they haven't found cancer anywhere but the lung and leg...
she is hoping to go home on Thursday if her blood counts stay up...
keep the prayers coming...
I know they work...


  1. That is good news, Tete. I bet she can hardly wait to go home. Keeping her and her family in my prayers. Thanks for the update:)

  2. Great news. Sorry I haven't been around lately. Life's been getting in the way of blogging, but I did see Diane's post about your neighbor. So sad, but it sounds good that it's not spread to many other areas. I'll be praying for her.

  3. Thanks, Tete. I will do an update on my blog, too, and pass them over here- xo Diana

  4. Praise God!! She has a long road ahead, but God is in the driver's seat.
    Bless your heart, Tete.

  5. Tete, Thanks for the update. I will continue to pray for Tori and her family. God is good. Smiles, Susie


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!