Saturday, January 18, 2014


Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.
Proverbs 3:5-6

what does that say to you?
what does it mean to you?

it tells me that I do not know enough to figure things out...
that He will lead me...
that, not even I, can follow the map by myself...
that I need to ask for direction...
but then it also says to me...
once He points me where He wants me to go...
that I don't sit here and second guess it...
try to figure it out...
that I should TRUST and just go...
stop wasting time...
mine and His...
and do what He is telling me to do...

that we spend too much time trying to figure out what's going on in His head...
with our meager little brains...
we can't do it...
being OBEDIENT means...
doing what HE WANTS...
not what we think we want...
sometimes that goes along together...
but sometimes HE is trying to either pull us away from harm before we can see it...
or lead us to something so awesome, we would have never, ever thought it...

don't we all seem to do most things the hard way?
kicking and screaming like a spoiled child...
like being pulled away from a hot flame...
to be led to a Merry Go Round...
but the flame was so pretty....
we just knew we had to have it...
and then when we tug so hard, we twist our way out of His grasp...
we touch the flame...
only to learn for ourselves that pretty is not always best...
that maybe He did know best...
and we bawl and scrawl and blame Him for our pain...
when we are to blame...
lean not on ourselves and our own understanding...

may God bless your day...


  1. Great post- Tete! I am not visiting in general today- taking it easy in bed and dozing off and on. But- this is such a really GOOD post. You said it, Sister! xo Diana

  2. That says to me that you should preach it from the rooftops, and people should listen. That also says what some ministers try to say, but get too wordy, and lose the thought.


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!