Friday, May 16, 2014

we had another rainy day again...

it started out like this...
but all too soon, the clouds showed up again...

so I told Craig we need to get this done before the rain starts in...
so we headed out to the island...
cut the dead out of the rose bushes...

first things first...
secure the baby...
so he doesn't learn first hand about thorns...
even poodles have bad hair days when its humid...

got the first one done without a poke...
thanks to a pair of pliers!

so onto the second one...

the iris should be fully open by Sunday afternoon...

and we saved this for last...
it took the most work...
so all five are done...

I took some quick shots of the columbine...
and then we went for a walk...

started sprinkling before we got back...
so that was it on the outside work...

my DH has this weekend off!

and we have nothing major to do...
will be too wet to turn the garden over...
but if it warms up, we can weed...

if you are looking for a hardy plant, one that the humming birds love...
this is it...
the old fashioned kind is the hardiest...

they do come in many colors now...

there are frost warnings north of us for tonight...
and northern Illinois even got snow today...
glad I don't live up there...

my sister in law, Susan has had some problems...
her kidneys quit working...
so they put a port in and started dialysis...
they are hoping its temporary...
caused by the dye in the angioplasty...
keep her in your prayers...

got my laundry all done today...
so only have to do the bedding tomorrow...
thinking of doing a pot of chili this weekend...
before it hits 80 again...

hope you have a fun weekend and that you are not getting that nasty snow stuff...


  1. Rainy here too, and your flowers look amaing.

  2. Sorry to hear about your sil, hope it is temporary.
    Love seeing your gardens and Charlie

  3. Tete, I am praying for your SIL. Hope that is temporary too. Your yard is so pretty . This rain can go away any time now...I am just plain tired of it and this chilly stuff. Charlie seems to be adjusting well. Blessings to all, xoxo,Susie

  4. Hi there, We had a lot of rain this week too as well as some snow. I love those Columbine-we have white and purple but I've never seen this variety before. They are breathtaking. Hope you got more gardening done!
    Have a wonderful Sunday.


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!