Saturday, May 17, 2014

through the mud and the muck...

got up early this morning, but we both decided to head back to bed for a bit longer...
and just before I got up, the sun was shining through the mother's day card that Doug and Paula had gotten me...

Craig had to work today, so DH and I went out to play and just kept finding things to do...
like playing with Charlie...

it was chilly this morning and so glad I had on a hoodie and my gardening gloves...

the sun kept trying to peek through...

we got the old hose off of the reel and the new one on...
been years since it had been replaced...
even got a new nozzle to water with...

then DH mowed the side yard while I pulled dandi lions...
it was wet enough that they came up, roots and all...

and I also got some photos while I waited for him to finish...

rose of sharon...

I sowed some grass seed when he finished...

and told Hermie to leave the cardinal nests alone...


we took a walk, did lunch and he headed back out...
I followed a little later, sweeping up the maple whirl a gigs...
and working here a little...

proof of my labors today...
it was pretty muddy...
I so need to wash my tennis shoes now..

we took a nap and got up before Craig came home...
I headed out and fed the birds with Charlie...

and we walked around and got some more photos...

as the sun was setting...

still cool, but warmer than it has been all week...

and a little bit dryer...

looking forward to some warm summer nights out here...

the corn is up all over now...

and here are better skies...
so hoping its like this tomorrow and bit warmer...

it was a very good day here...
hope you had a good one, too...

been a good day to reflect on the past couple of weeks...
and at how amazing it is to have an awesome God...
a God who takes of me...
and who loves me...
and who made sure my arms weren't empty for long...
and that Charlie is so much like Bebe in temperament and behavior...
that he is a very good boy who just needs love and understanding...

some of our darker days are getting us ready for the really bright ones...
remember, it always passes and good things are coming your way...
trust Him...
He knows your heart...
your pain, your needs...


  1. I've been thinking of you and Charlie. What a sweet boy he is, such a cute face! I hope he's adjusting well to his new life, he's one lucky little guy to have found you. Such pretty flowers, can't wait for more to start blooming here!

  2. What a beautiful post, Tete---starting with the card and ending with the clouds in our lives thoughts. Your little guy is so darned cute.

    One of the things I love is how your hubby and son pitch in and help outside. That is a real blessing and I know that YOU know that, too.

    Sounds like a PERFECT day to me, Tete! xo Diana


  3. what a beautiful day, and how neat that everyone works together to keep it nice and pretty.
    Charlie seems to be adjusting so well, and fitting right in with everything.

  4. Tete, I love walking around your yard with you. You have so many pretty things to see. Charlie looks better every picture..he seems to be doing okay. Blessings to you and your family, xoxo,Susie

  5. I am so glad things are going well with Charlie, he is so lucky he found you. Always love seeing your gardens......someday I may stop by in person.

  6. pretty new blog look...

    this is a quick comment, as i am catching up with blogs, after our trip to our "grand's" graduation from university.

    gentle hugs,


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!