Tuesday, October 6, 2015

harvest days are the hardest for me...

the hours seem endless...

so I try to fill my time...

the best I can...

pirate guy's make over...
he was going bald...

I sat outside this evening at sunset to get some more photos...

I noticed we should have really watered today...

I miss my guys...
and the neighbors that are gone now...
our "new" neighbors don't talk...
but they are busy making over the house...
and they both work...

this is my view when I sit on the steps and look towards the street...
one of my favorite places to spend time...

I need to go through the winter clothes totes and pull out some warmer things and get them washed up and ready to go...

we are in those days where you need a sweatshirt in the morning and a tank top and flip flops after lunch...

I started a movie on Netflix and got half way through with it...
so will watch the other hour of it tonight after DH goes to bed...
I still wait up for Craig to get home...

"To Kill A Mockingbird" is one of my favorites...
and its been awhile since I had seen it...

and I started crocheting again this year...
been many years since I did this...
I have been making baby blankets and lap throws...
this is the latest...
my testimony to the many hours spent alone...
I have one in the van for when we are out...
the parking lots are so cold in the winter time in a wheel chair...
I gave one away when a new baby came...
there are some in a tote in my play room...
and this one...
it started with a bag of yarn at a rummage sale for $5...
every one of them is single crocheted...
for warmth...
I have made some scarves, too...
the thought was to make baby blankets and give them to the toy drive...
for the babies...
and it has kind of exploded into chaos...
you know how it goes...


  1. So I take it, that your men work on the harvest.... But what about the rest of the year? I thought they worked on highway crews, when they are out so much, in all the winter snows, etc.

  2. You have been busy, Tete! I didn't realize that you crocheted like that. You do beautiful work. It is one thing I never learned to do. Great pictures---as always! xo Diana

  3. Tete, We can't rest till the kids are home. LOL...I remember those days. I still like to know my girls are home...when they leave here, I tell them to call or text me when they get home. We are moms for life. Hope your new neighbors are nice. Wasn't it great to sit out yesterday? Wish I lived near by, we would have some coffee times. :) Blessings, xoxo,Susie

  4. Hi Tete, You are such a busy girl. Love your photos and your crochet is gorgeous. I crochet too and love to do quick broomstick lace throws for my shop. We are enjoying the cool mornings here too and warm afternoons. Finally some pretty weather in my favorite time of year!
    Have a blessed day! cm


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!