Wednesday, October 7, 2015

its trying to look like fall...

most of the leaves here are still green and still on the trees...

we haven't had a frost yet...
or even a good scare of one...

we took the long way to the grocery store this morning...
and there were some characters hanging around town...

look at all that color!

this guy is hanging out on the street the school is on...
can you imagine being little and walking by him?

all that fall color was in the top of this tree...
not very much of it at all...
but it looks good in the sunlight to me...

and the Saturday night bath has come early this week...
the rate things are going, we will be raking leaves on Thanksgiving...

I am going to take a minute and clarify a few things...
from some questions in the comments...

harvest for us is a bit batty...
DH, who worked in a factory for over 27 years, was let go when they failed to make a profit anymore here in the US...
most of our factories that were here either moved to Mexico or over seas...
we have a bunch of empty buildings, though...
that forced him to find another job...
oh, about 15 years ago...
he went to work here at the elevator...
and now he works for the same company, just in another town...
8 miles north on country roads...
and he works out in the open 90% of the time all year long...
it gets very hot here...
and it gets very cold here...
but he's out there rain, sleet, hail...
doesn't matter...
in the fall...
he's there most of the time...
he pulls 12 hour shifts and works 13 days straight when the crops start coming in from the fields...
its better than it used to be when he first started...
they used to work them 14-18 hour shifts with no days off until it was done...
it can be very dangerous work and it is hard work...
the machinery and the dangers of explosions are very real...
they must keep track of bin moisture and temps all the time...
if they fall in a bin, they die...
DH turned 60 this year and keeps up with 20-30 year olds...
most people won't do this type of work...
they want inside jobs, days off...
but, it pays the bills and we have insurance...
and I hate every minute that he has to do this...
but the harvest money gets us through the year...
we put it back...
to cover things like taxes, vehicle repairs...
doctor bills...
and I worry about him...
and his new boss is a jerk...
making it really hard on the guys this harvest...
they are the ones who I asked for prayer for...
this handful of guys are close...
closer than most families are...
and they have each other's backs...
in a few more weeks, harvest will wind down again...
we will get back to the normal times and supper won't be at 8pm anymore...
he won't be so tired...
we will have our walks...
and eat $2 hamburgers when we go out...

doctor's appointment tomorrow to get something else to take to keep my blood sugar down...
Craig is taking me over there...
making chili this weekend...
its supposed to be cooler!

so, have a wonderful night...
I need to work on the kitchen here...
and have my supper prep work done...
so I am ready when he gets home...


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!