Thursday, February 4, 2016

the road not taken...

from our ride on Sunday...

I am having a couple of not so good days here...

the weather is bouncing around so much, my body can't keep up...

can you believe that this was our first time down this country road?

we are going to start taking more roads like this in the spring...

roads full of wonderful beauty...

working away here on my physical therapy...
gotta be ready when the real spring shows up...

Craig is a bit better...
but has days to go with this...

I have been up most of the night with  my shoulder and arm...
got it down to a dull roar and have eaten breakfast...
so I am going to sneak back to be for awhile...
don't tell anyone...


  1. I won't tell anyone Tete! Lovely photos and I hope yourself and Craig get well soon!

  2. Tete, I hate that you are suffering so. Maybe the warmth of spring will help you. I know you are ready and so am I. I like to see all your pictures...soon we will be seeing trees budding. We saw a robin in the crabapple tree this week. :) Blessings, xoxo,Susie


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!