Bebe takes a hit from the hose...it's so hot...at 9:30 pm it's still 88 out..

but the evening shadows are pretty...

Craig and I timed this to get the water shot and I had to turn the camera down quickly to keep the lens from getting wet...and we did it in one try...

I love the transission of the beds from one week to the next...

the veggies are doing good in the humid hot weather...

one of our volunteer grapevines...sometimes the best things in a garden are the things that weren't planned...

hostas blooming...

and they keep blooming...

everything is growing so fast...

filling in...this is the last bed to fill in...so just wait...

Craig working hard..

day lily...

last night we moved the deck pots to the side yard for the hot days to come...

these day lilies aren't open just yet...


cone flower...

I have not used any fertilizer at all this year...

we got a lot of good photos this evening...hope you enjoyed them...

volunteer snap dragons...tall variety...
have a good night and stay cool...
1 comment:
those peppers look great. The heat makes everything grow
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