well, things are sure different now than they were on Monday...

some of my favorite things that I haven't seen in a long time...

vintage child's chair, garden scrapbook, and a cool old basket...

this cabinet is my genealogy...

a couple of sketches I did a few years ago...the one on the right I made several times and the one on the left I never did...maybe this winter...

I have 2 trunks and a few suitcases...I have been collecting them for about 10 years...they hold keepsakes and photos...

this funky green cabinet I got to put in my booths for displaying crafts and later antiques...

there is still room to take a nap...

I found these a long time ago...my mother bought a set like this for me one time and I cried because I thought it was ugly...I wanted another pattern...any other pattern...I still feel bad for crying about it...

these are like the ones I had when I was a kid...match box cars you got at the drug store...

may baseball bears...love baseball...

my Hershey box...

switched out the lamps...


yarn hair...

all crammed in my big jar...left overs from when I dressed bears...long ago...

love these guys...

my neighbor gave me this new water fountain for no reason...

cleaning and sorting is hard work...

back to the kitchen...

my birthday cards...got 2 more today...


and up...

and up above the computer...

have a great night and see ya tomorrow...