Monday, July 22, 2019

It's so much cooler...

we are at 75 right now...
nice day and so cloudy...
we have had 4 good showers since noon yesterday...

about to head in and take a nap before the guys start coming home...
and supper has to be cooked and all that fun stuff...

but I did want you to know that a full bag if stuff went out of the play room/storage room yesterday and another went out today...
that's 5 now...
and I am not done...

just watch a couple of those hoarders videos on youtube and it will scare the socks off of ya...
its not happening here...

my grandmother made a clean sweep when she hit 70...
the thought of someone going through her crap stuff didn't sit well with her...
there wasn't much left for us to do when she died...
except the butter tubs and the unused return envelopes that came with all her utility bills...
why she ever saved those is beyond me...

so if you need motivation...
just look at something and ask yourself...
do I want someone else finding this when I am gone?
or worse yet...
while you're still alive and someone has to come in to take care of you...
and you have to answer their questions about certain things...

yeah- its not pretty when you put it that way...
I really don't have a hoarding problem...
my problem is that I underestimate the size of my house...
yep, that's my story...
sticking to it...

have good days...