but I'm cheap...I can't help it...I would still shop at the Dollar General if I were a millionaire...so it was a buy it now or make offer...
I had never made an offer on anything else ever...wasn't very sure how it worked...so I thought about it overnight...a rule of my mom's...
then I held my breath, went in and offered them a price...
they had 48 hours to accept, decline or counter offer...
they countered...
still too high...
I had 48 hours...gave it another night...I countered their offer...
got an email this morning that they had accepted the offer...I paid...it should be here sometime next week...
if you buy on ebay and have never tried this...do it...I saved 45.00 by not paying the full price right off of the bat...
there are very few things in my house that I will never part with...this will be one of those...
all the other stuff I like to get cheap because its only here for awhile...I get bored with it...or just want something new and different...so I resell it to reinvest in more fun...
anyway...it was a good morning...and I can't believe I did it...
all Steve wants is peanut M&Ms...I need to call walmart and see if I can get a case of them...