are you making your plans for this week?
are you cooking and having the dinner or going somewhere else?

got the dinner list made...
need to make the grocery list for it...
and we are having our dinner on Saturday...
due to work schedules...

on Thursday, I am sending the old man up to the community dinner to get us meals to go...
its a free dinner, but you are allowed to make a donation...
this program is so needed in every town...
there are so many alone...
or without funds to do a traditional dinner...
so many go up to be with others so they are not alone...
we are having a neighbor come...
who is alone...
and he can come both days if he wishes...
if we all just took some time to check on those who live right around us on all occasions...
no one would be left out...
or alone...
or hungry...
thankful for all of those who help feed others, hold their hands...
send cards and letters, or visit someone alone...
or sad...
so thankful for those who believe that we are our brother's keeper...
for they heal the broken hearted...
Happy Thanksgiving...