Monday, December 13, 2010

Happy Birthday to my bestest friend...

Rebecca and I are celebrating her birthday tomorrow...
she's classy...
a fellow christian...
my pal...
my buddy...
my chum...
in sunshine and rain...
in this life and the next one...
she makes me smile...
she makes me laugh...
and I love her so much!
Happy Birthday!
I hope you have the most fun tomorrow on your day off...
looking for treasures...
but not too many...
you have to same some for the next shopping trip!

I think it's time to shake it up a little this morning...

go down and turn off the playlist 1st...
try this out...
while you look at these...
these were taken by my son's friend last night while at work...
those are FedEx trucks...
there were 150 people stranded last night just off of interstate 57...
the Red Cross had to establish emergency shelters...
a local church and the middle school housed those who didn't get a room at the local motels because they were full...
we only got 3 inches of snow...
but the wind is down to about 10 mph this morning...
it's clearing but cold...
and the temp is up to 1 now...
wind chill...
DH is taking Craig to town for his exams...
he is going to stay with a friend in the dorm until Wednesday when he is finally finished...
DH took today off for vacation...
my sympathies to those who got the whole 2 foot of snow out of this storm...
Wisconsin, upper Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania and New York!
we are supposed to warm up all week and make it to a balmy 27 but Saturday!
hard telling when this stuff is going to melt...
I'm thinking March, maybe...
Just where is Al Gore when we need him?
In a snow bank if we're lucky...

I'm linking up with Nancy, who is buried again in NY!
so crank it up and dance around...
then go check her out...

It's Music Monday!