it started out gray and sprinkling...
but not too bad...
then it quit...
so Craig and I went for a walk...
an angel came down and tapped me on the head sometime in the night...
cuz I'm all better now...
and we saw some purple showing....
but they have not opened...
I was hoping they would be by today...
and the peonies are still closed up...
but we got some snap dragons yesterday...
and marigolds...
and more rose moss...
yellow rose moss...
and a pink wave petunia...
and it started doing this again...
so back inside...
then it quit...
so we ran back out and got the flowers planted...
and then it poured...

and it quit again...
new marigolds...
that crazy geranium...
it could glow in the dark ,I think...
and marigolds and snap dragons in the flower bed...
and I have 3 roses that will open soon...
so with the outside work done...
Craig went to get a shower and DH and I took off for a big walk...
the walnut is always late leafing out...
and we went south first and then back north...
the green is finally filling in...
and the sun was shining...
and it's 68 out!
perfect kind of a day...
and then we were coming back and Boofy had a surprise for us...
do not enlarge this photo if you are petrified of snakes...
or oppose killing them...
my hero is doing just that...
DH and I are totally terrified of snakes...
Boofy found this in the neighbor's yard and brought it home...
she had it chewed up pretty good...
but because Craig was in the shower...
and I'm not able to do it myself anymore...
DH killed his first snake...
then we came in and DH made us a late breakfast while I talked to one of my lady friends on the phone...
she is elderly and not too well herself...
Craig goes and feeds her dog now on days when no one stops by to see her...
then we went back out and walked around a bit...
back in to tag things to go into the booth...
got a box full and need to find a few more things that I want to go in...
then we went through the store ad...
there's a lot of thens on this post- sorry...
we all went to the store...
the guys put my chair in the back of the truck and away we went...
it's been 18 months to 2 years since I was in a store...
Craig pushed me and DH had the cart...
I found apricot jello...
I saw birthday cake ice cream...
but opted out for bomb pops...
sore throat and all...
I saw cookies...
but got an orange cake for Mother's day...
we are going to bake that later tonight...
I got reeses cups and a hershey bar...
strawberry kiwi juice...
they had taco stuff on sale...
so that will be this week...
I need to go back...
I didn't have time to look at everything...
but I did find strawberry muffin mix...
we had 2 blue berry ones in the cabinet...
but I think I want to try this first...
they had strawberries on sale...
so I think it would be good to pour fresh strawberries over the muffins...
we are doing farmers pie for Mother's Day...
it's what I want...
DH got him some italian beef out of the deli...
it was good...
but mine is better...
but it was good for him for lunch...
and now we have a thunderstorm warning until 10 pm...
but it's still sunny here...
so I'm out of here and going to find something to do outside...
have a great Mother's Day weekend...
and do something fun!
PS- I was very good today...
no more rummage sales...
I still have more to show you from yesterday...