Tuesday, July 7, 2009

3 generations:

Doug looks like me and Craig looks like my mom.

Things were going good this afternoon...

Bebe was doing his afternoon walk around to find the right spot thing...
I started snapping a few shots...
all in the front by the road...
got this really cool shot of under a day lily with the sun behind it...
watching the darker clouds moving in from the north...
we have rain coming in...
and just hoping these shots are going to look as good as they do in person...
trying to find something new that you haven't seen before....
but it's hard to do with a small yard...but I did want to show off my new white bird house...Rebecca dropped it off...it was in her booth at Copper Eagle...
when the bread winner pulled in the drive...
and sat his butt down in my swing...
and thank goodness I was out messing around with the camera and have proof whose butt was in said swing....because....scroll down...
the poor old defenseless swing...under the burden of such a big rear end...went boom...wahh...now he wants a lawyer to sue for whiplash...I'm like- right...and what does he expect to get???...I'll tell you what he's going to get...burnt supper for a week...at least...the way it broke...we can't fix it...so I guess at least we will have some firewood now for the pit...you know that old saying?...be careful what you wish for, because you just might get it...well...I wished for fire wood...I just wasn't specific I guess on where it came from...
Have a good night...I'm in mourning...

We had a wonderful walk this morning:

another mum...
these 2 photos both came out good...from below...

look at all the bees...
the bees have so many blooms here...
rose of sharon buds...
Spaz getting a drink...
fun pot...
fence pickets...
I loved the way the shadows fell across the seat of the chair...
rose of sharon without the beetles...
just cute...
just hanging out...
I love the morning sun...and the different lighting that the sun gives all throughout the day...but I gotta run...Rebecca is on her way over...

Kathy Jo Stairs:

my sister...